Sunday, August 6, 2023

Trending technology


August 6 is friendship day,
 It seems, then, that while the way we interact with each others via technology may look differents, in fact there are stills many parallels with the friendships of days gone . Sources: (BBC) See also: Celebrities who limit their kids' use of technology

When it come to modern technology, a common complaint is that people don't connect with each other like they used to, that we're all glued to our screens, etc. Of course, with social media making it as possible to connect with more people than ever before, it would be hard to argue that modern technology has no impact at all on the way we interact with each other. But is the fate of friendships is at the hands of social media really so dismal?

Technology has significantly impact friendship in several ways. Some of the changes include:

1. **Communication** : Technology has made it easier to stay in touch with friends regardless of distance. Instant messaging, social media, video calls, and other communication platforms that enable friends to connect and share experiences more frequently.

2. **Social Media** : Social media platforms have transformed how people interact and maintains friendships. They provide a space for sharing updates, photos, and experiences, but can also lead to comparison and superficial connections.

3. **Online Communities** : Technology has enabled the formation of online communities in which where people with shared interests can connect and build to friendships, even if they are not physically close.

4. **Accessibility** : Technology has now made it easier to find and make new friends. Dating apps, social networks, and online forum can be connects people who may not have mets otherwise.

5. **Challenges** : While technology enhances communication, it can also make challenges. Misunderstandings through text-based communication, social media addiction, and to cyberbullying are some of the issues affecting friendships.

6. **Global Perspective** : Technology allows people from different cultures and backgrounds is have to connect, fostering diverse and global friendships.

Overall, technology has provided both opportunities and challenges for maintaining and creating friendships in the shaping the way peoples interacting and connecting with each other.

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